Kintamani Tour Packages

Kintamani Tour Packages


Kintamani Tour Packages – Kintamani Day Tour is one of the most preferred  tourist program on the island of Bali. This tour is a full day private tour packages that include schedule of the tourism in Bali, culinary and cultural travel. Kintamani Bali is also famous cause mount Batur trekking.

Places You Will Visit With Kintamani Day Tour Package :

  • Cultural Tourism: Tirta Empul Temple, Goa Gajah Temple, And Barong Dance Performance.
  • Culinary: Lunch At Kintamani While Enjoying The View Of Batur Volcano, Mount Abang, Mount Agung And Batur Lake
  • Tourism Shopping: Sukawati Traditional Market And Craftsmen Of Silver In Celuk.

If You Are Holidaying In Bali With Limited Time, This Full-Day Tour Package Can Be One Right Choice To Complement Your Holiday In Bali.

Kintamani Tour Packages Price :

Two PersonUSD 60/Person
Three PersonUSD 55/Person
Four PersonUSD 50/Person
**The trekking costs above are just an illustration, just an indication/not updated.

Tirta Empul Temple

Tirta Empul Temple is built around the sacred spring at Tampak Siring. For more than a thousand years, Balinese worshipers have been drawn to Tirta Empul Temple whose sacred spring is said to have been created by Indra and to have curative properties. The tradition continues almost unchanged at the temple today. Over 1000 years old, the temple and its two bathing places have been used by the people for good health and prosperity because of the spring water’s curative powers. The most visited tourist destination in the Ubud area, to see the uniqueness of this Tirta Empul Temple, where holy water from springs in Tirta Empul Temple flows into the pool and is used by the local community to do physical self-cleaning. and the soul is believed to have a positive effect after soaking in this holy water which will make the negative things in your body and soul disappear and make your body and soul clean again

Mythology Of Tirta Empul Temple

It is narrated in the Usana Bali Lontar that Tirta Empul or Tirta Ri Air Hammpul was created by Bhatara Indra when he was at war with King Mayanadenawa of Be predecessor, the king is said to be very powerful and has the ability to disappear. Because of his supernatural powers, Mayanadenawa considered himself to be God, for that reason Bhatara Indra fought him. In a battle that took place in an area, Mayanadenawa and his troops were pressed, then they walked with their feet tilted, therefore, the area where the battle was then called Tampaksiring. In an unfavorable and life-threatening situation, Mayanadenawa came up with a bad idea by creating a poisonous spring (Yeh Cetik) for the purpose of destroying the troops of Bhatara Indra. And the bad idea turned out to be successful and because of fatigue due to constant fighting, finally many of Bhatara Indra’s troops drank Yeh Cetik. Not a few of Bhatara Indra’s troops were poisoned by drinking the poisoned water, which reduced the strength of Bhatara Indra’s troops a lot. To deal with the problem, Bhatara Indra then stuck a pennant-shaped weapon into the ground. Instantly a spring appeared that pooled upwards from the former stab of the celestial king’s weapon. After drinking the spring, Bhatara Indra’s troops recovered as usual. From this myth and centuries later the spring was arranged and perfected into a water garden by king Indrajaya Sigha Warmadewa in 882 aka and was given the name “Tirta Ri Air Hampul” or “Tirta Empul” which means steaming Pathirtaan. And until now this temple is known as Tirta Empul or also often referred to as Tampak Siring Temple because it is located in the village of Tampak Siring and the location is adjacent to the palace of the first president Sukarno, which is in Tampak Siring.

History Tirta Empul Temple

Based on the inscriptions found, it can be concluded that Tirta Empul Temple was built during the reign of King Masula and Masuli which can be seen from Usana Bali’s papyrus which reads “At that time all Balinese were happy, led by His Majesty Raja Masula Masuli, and the people all felt happy, all the people are equally issued padas, as well as other building materials, such as from Blahbatuh, Pejeng, Tampaksiring”. From the contents of this Balinese lontar usana Bali, it can be traced the reign of King Masula and Masuli in Bali and found in the Sading inscription which states that King Masula Masuli reigned in Bali starting in 1100 AD or 1178 AD, who ruled for 77 years. This means that there is a time difference of about 216 years between the construction of the Tirta Empul baths and the construction of the temple. Architecturally, the Tirta Empul Bath and Temple have historical values, spiritual vibrations, distinctive characters, and are friendly and friendly to the environment. The architectural appearance breathes tradition, and blends with the surrounding natural conditions. The spaces also imply a religious meaning.

Archaeological research that began in the early twentieth century has found evidence that the area in Tampak Siring does store a number of archaeological remains which are still functioning sacred (sacred living monuments), scattered in Panempahan Village, Manukaya Village, and Tampaksiring. The dense population of cultural heritage in this area can be seen as an indication of community settlements and dense occupancy or high social mobility that occurred in the past. The concentration of cultural heritage in this village can also be considered that Ancient Balinese civilization was born in this cultural area. One of the cultural heritages scattered in this area is Tirta Empul Temple.

Goa Gajah Temple

Which is located in west side of countryside, Blah Batuh Sub district and Gianyar Regency. It is about 27 km from Denpasar town. This cave is built at crevasse edge from the federation of 2 rills that is called Pangkung River, where the irrigation is mixed with Petanu River flow. The federation area of two rivers is called Campuhan/Mixture. It owns the magical energy on the basis of Rwabineda Concept/two different matters on this basic concept hence Goa Gajah Temple or Elephant Cave Temple is intentionally built among two rivers. It is a very worthy site for you to visit, here you will know about the history of the development of Hinduism in Bali and see the relics of statues and sites that are very historic and have high value in the development of the island of Bali. With a very comfortable atmosphere near the river, it makes the atmosphere comfortable and cool and full of religious aura

History of Goa Gajah Temple

As for history, it can be said that Goa Gajah temple was built in the period 10-11 AD, which at that time was the dynasty of the Warmadewa kingdom, while the name Goa Gajah refers to the statue of Ganesha found engraved on the cave wall. In 1923 the elephant cave site was discovered by L.C Heyting who at the time of discovery, he found Archa Ganesha, a statue of Tri Langga and also a statue of Hariti. Furthermore, a follow-up study was carried out by Dr.W.F. Stutterhiem in 1925 and also in 1950 carried out further research by the Indonesian side, namely from the Indonesian archaeological site in 1954 to 1979 which resulted in the discovery of a small pond which is now in front of the mouth of Goa with six statues of women and their showers. The water flowing from the shower is believed by visitors who come there to make their age younger. A very shocking discovery of history, where from this discovery it can be seen that we are familiar with the existence of beliefs in ancient times, while some statues such as Ganesha figures are god figures found in Hinduism long time ago, and the spread of religion had occurred at that time

Meaning Name Goa Gajah

The word of Goa Gajah is anticipated coming from the word of Lwa Gajah, the name of Buddhist Temple or hermitage for Buddhist monk. The Goa Gajah’s name is written on Negara Kertagama papyrus which is compiled by Mpu Prapanca on 1365 M. Lwa or Lwah/Loh mean the river and it reflect to the meaning that the hermitage is located at Gajah River or in Air Gajah. In the year inscription 944 Saka, it is mentioned with the name of ‘ser ring Air Gajah’ that is meaning the Subak leader in Air Gajah. The word has mentioned that the hermitage of Lwa Gajah is located in Subak Air Gajah. Among the local residents, the Goa Gajah Temple is better known as Cave Temple, located in the west of Bedahulu Village, Blahbatuh Subdistrict, Gianyar Regency. It is about 27 km east of Denpasar. A visit to this temple can be done easily because it is only a few feet below the highway toward the village of Tampaksiring Indeed this temple was built at the valley of Petanu River having beautiful natural panorama.

Barong Dance Performance

Barong and Keris Dance is a traditional Balinese dance performance that tells the story of an endless battle where the fight between Barong who represents the good character and Rangda who represents the evil character, where in this story the barong wins the battle. In addition, in this dance performance there is a trance dance attraction where the dancer will stab a dagger in his body and uniquely his body is not injured at all. A dance performance that is full of meaning and inspires our lives where we are taught to behave well to fellow human beings in order to create harmony in living this life. Barong is a character in the mythology of Bali. He is the king of the spirits, leader of the hosts of good, and enemy of Rangda in the mythological traditions of Bali. Banas Pati Rajah is the fourth brotheror spirit child that accompanies a child throughout life. Banas Pati Rajah is the spirit which animates Barong. A protector spirit, he is often represented by a lion, and traditional performances of his struggles against Rangda are popular parts of Balinese culture. The Barong Dance is often portraited with two monkeys

What is Barong?

Barong is a mythological character whose aim is to protect Bali from all kinds of evil disturbances that threaten the island of Bali. The barong is depicted in various forms of worshiped animal guises such as lions, tigers, wild boars, buffalo, elephants, or dogs. Barong has emerged as part of Javanese and Balinese culture since people still believe in animistic beliefs. And in Bali the shape of the barong character is like a mixed animal face with a scary but good character. Made in such a way that it can create a religious feel when you see it. Barong bali originated as a development of barong ponorogo or Reog, which King Airlangga brought when he fled to the island of Bali to save himself. Besides Barong Ponorogo, Airlangga also brought other forms of literary art, Javanese script, and religious rituals. This influence can be seen from the shape of the ponorogo barong when it appears without using a peacock crown.

Types of Barong

The types of barong in Bali are very diverse with different looks and functions, and not just any dancer is performed because it takes enough practice to be able to perform this barong dance professionally. The types of barong found in Bali are Barong Ket, Barong Bangkal, Barong Landung, Barong Macan, Barong Gajah, Barong Asu, Barong Brutuk, Barong Lembu, Barong Kedingkling, Barong Kambing and Barong Gagombrangan. The types of barong take the form of animals such as elephants, dogs, goats, oxen and others with four legs. Where the barong is performed by two people, one person holds the head and one person holds the tail, if you have ever seen the Barong Sai dance from China, then the barong dance in Bali is somewhat similar to that, the only difference is that Balinese dance is performed with a typical dance technique. Bali is more prominent without doing attractions like those in barong sai. The type of barong that we often see in Barong and Keris Dance is the type of Barong Ketket. This show is performed by dancers who have been trained and performed very well with a comedy spice, making the audience of this barong dance happy and carried away by the storyline that was delivered.

Kintamani Tour Packages Itinerary :

  • 8:00 Pick Up On Your Hotel
  • 09:00 Watching Barong Dance
  • 10:00 Visit To Batik And Souvenir Center Of Bali
  • 11:00 Visiting To The Center Of Silver In Celuk
  • 12:00 Visit  To Goa Gajah Temple
  • 13:30 Lunch At Lake View Restaurant Kintamani With Buffet Style Menu.
  • 15:00 Visit To Tirtha Empul Temple In Tampaksiring
  • 16:00 Visit To The Sukawati Traditional Art Market
  • 17:30 Back To Your Hotel.

Kintamani Tour Packages Inclucion :

  • Private Car Air Conditioner
  • Private Tour Guide
  • All Entrance Tickets
  • Lunch At Kintamani
  • Enough Drinking  Water

Terms & Conditions :

  • The Tour Is Private Tours And That Means There Is No Other Participant
  • Minimum Booking Is Two Persons
  • Single Traveler Will Charge: Price Of Two Persons – 15%
  • Infant Under 4 Years Old Is Free Of Charge
  • The Tour Will Assist By English Speaking Tour Guide
  • Reasonable, Fair Price And No Hidden Fees


Tour Packages

Bali Sunrise Tour

Mount Batur Sunrise Jeep

Previous Next Mount Batur Sunrise Jeep We’re headed to one of Bali’s top destinations, the renowned Mount Batur, nestled in the heart of Kintamani. This

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Book your Bali activities here: Bali Sunrise Tour

Floating Temple

Batur Floating Temple: A Serene Oasis Amidst Bali’s Beauty

Bali, the Island of the Gods, is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Amidst its breathtaking scenery lies a hidden gem, the Batur Floating Temple, a place where spirituality and nature harmoniously coexist. This article explores the beauty and significance of this unique temple in the heart of Bali.

A Spiritual Oasis on Lake Batur

The Batur Floating Temple, also known as Pura Ulun Danu Batur, is situated on the western shore of Lake Batur, a large volcanic crater lake in the Bangli Regency of Bali. The temple’s name translates to “Temple of the Crater Lake’s Head,” which is fitting given its location. Lake Batur itself is encompassed by the towering Mount Batur, an active volcano, making this area one of Bali’s most picturesque and spiritually significant locations.

Spiritual Significance

The temple is dedicated to Dewi Danu, the goddess of lakes and rivers in Balinese Hinduism. Dewi Danu is highly revered by the Balinese people, as water is essential for the island’s agriculture and irrigation systems. This makes the temple a vital spiritual site for locals who rely on the lake’s waters for their livelihood.

Batur Floating Temple’s architecture is a testament to the Balinese devotion to their deities. Its towering multi-tiered pagoda-style meru shrines are adorned with intricate carvings and ornaments, showcasing the island’s artistic prowess. This temple, like many others in Bali, stands as a testament to the island’s deep-rooted Hindu traditions.

Peace and Tranquility

Visitors to the Batur Floating Temple can bask in the tranquility of the surroundings. The gentle lapping of the lake’s waters, the crisp mountain air, and the serenity of the temple grounds make it a perfect place for introspection and meditation. The temple’s unique location and ambiance offer a sense of peace that is hard to find elsewhere.

Awe-Inspiring Views

In addition to its spiritual significance, the Batur Floating Temple provides stunning panoramic views of Lake Batur and the majestic Mount Batur. The scene is especially enchanting during sunrise when the first light of day casts a warm glow on the temple and its surroundings. Visitors can also take a traditional boat ride on the lake, providing an opportunity to admire the temple from a unique perspective.

Visiting Batur Floating Temple

To experience the charm of the Batur Floating Temple, visitors should respect the local customs and dress modestly. Sarongs and sashes are typically provided at the temple entrance for those who need them. The best time to visit is early in the morning when the air is cool, and the temple is less crowded.

Batur Floating Temple is more than just a beautiful landmark; it’s a symbol of Bali’s deep spirituality and reverence for nature. It’s a place where culture, religion, and the environment seamlessly come together, offering a glimpse into the heart of this enchanting island. Whether you seek spiritual solace or simply want to admire the island’s natural beauty, the Batur Floating Temple is an essential stop on any Bali itinerary.


Book your Bali activities here: Bali Sunrise Tour

Kintamani Cafe

Kintamani’s cafés offer a unique dining experience where you can indulge in local and international flavors while soaking in the breathtaking views. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Stunning Vistas: One of the most alluring aspects of Kintamani cafés is the spectacular view. Whether you choose to dine indoors or on open-air terraces, you’ll be treated to a panoramic view of Mount Batur and Lake Batur. This enchanting backdrop enhances your dining experience.

  2. Local and International Cuisine: The cafés in Kintamani cater to a variety of culinary tastes. You can savor traditional Balinese dishes like nasi goreng and mie goreng, or opt for international fare. Many cafés serve fresh and organic ingredients sourced from local farms.

  3. Coffee Plantations: Kintamani is famous for its coffee plantations, and many cafés here serve some of the finest Balinese coffee. Enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee as you relish the serene surroundings.

  4. Cool Climate: Due to its high altitude, Kintamani enjoys a cooler and more pleasant climate than the coastal areas of Bali. It’s the perfect place to escape the heat and relax while sipping on a refreshing drink.

  5. Cultural Ambience: Kintamani cafés often feature traditional Balinese architecture and décor, creating an immersive cultural experience. Balinese music and dance performances are sometimes offered, adding a touch of local culture to your meal.

Practical Information:

  • Kintamani cafés are open year-round, but the best time to visit is during the dry season (April to September).
  • Don’t forget your camera to capture the stunning views and your journey through Kintamani.
  • Some cafés may require reservations, especially during peak tourist seasons.

Book your Bali activities here: Bali Sunrise Tour

Hot Spring

1. Toyadevasya:

Toyadevasya is a term that might refer to a specific location, but it doesn’t correspond to a well-known or widely recognized tourist attraction in Bali. It’s possible that it could be the name of a private villa, resort, spa, or a less-known destination. If you have more specific information about Toyadevasya or if it is associated with a particular place or activity in Bali, please provide more details, and I’ll do my best to provide you with relevant information.

2. Batur Natura Hot Spring:

Batur Natura Hot Spring, on the other hand, is a popular natural hot spring located near the Batur volcano in Bali. Here’s some information about Batur Natura Hot Spring:

  • Location: Batur Natura Hot Spring is situated in the village of Toya Bungkah on the shores of Lake Batur, at the base of Mount Batur, an active volcano in Bali.

  • Natural Beauty: The hot spring is renowned for its stunning natural setting. Visitors can soak in the warm mineral-rich waters while enjoying panoramic views of Lake Batur and the surrounding mountains, including the majestic Mount Batur.

  • Hot Spring Pools: Batur Natura Hot Spring features several hot spring pools of varying temperatures. The waters are naturally heated by volcanic activity, making the experience not only relaxing but also therapeutic.

  • Relaxation and Recreation: In addition to the hot spring pools, the site often offers additional amenities like spa services, restaurants, and relaxation areas, allowing visitors to unwind and enjoy the serene ambiance.

  • Sunrise Trekking: Many tourists combine a visit to Batur Natura Hot Spring with a sunrise trek to the summit of Mount Batur. This early morning trek is a popular activity and provides breathtaking views of the sunrise from the volcano’s peak.

  • Cultural Experience: The area around Batur Natura Hot Spring is also rich in Balinese culture. You can explore the local villages, temples, and traditional ceremonies.

Batur Natura Hot Spring is a popular destination for travelers looking to relax in the midst of Bali’s natural beauty. It’s a great place to unwind and rejuvenate while taking in the stunning landscapes that Bali has to offer.


Book your Bali activities here: Bali Sunrise Tour

Coffee Plantation

Bali, the picturesque Indonesian island known for its stunning beaches, lush rice terraces, and vibrant culture, is also home to a thriving coffee industry. In this article, we will delve into the world of coffee plantations in Bali, exploring the history, varieties, cultivation methods, and the unique coffee culture that makes Bali’s coffee truly exceptional.

1. The History of Coffee in Bali:

  • Tracing the origins of coffee cultivation in Bali.
  • Historical significance and development of the industry.

2. Bali’s Unique Coffee Varieties:

  • Arabica vs. Robusta: Understanding the coffee varieties in Bali.
  • What makes Bali’s coffee unique in terms of flavor and aroma.

3. The Coffee Cultivation Process:

  • From seed to cup: A step-by-step guide to coffee production in Bali.
  • The role of local farmers and cooperatives in the process.

4. Sustainable Farming Practices:

  • Exploring Bali’s commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly coffee farming.
  • Organic and shade-grown coffee: How Bali is leading the way.

5. Coffee Tours and Experiences:

  • Discovering the best coffee plantation tours in Bali.
  • Interactive experiences, from coffee tasting to learning about traditional processing methods.

6. The Role of Coffee in Balinese Culture:

  • Coffee as a symbol of hospitality and community.
  • The traditional Balinese coffee ceremony.

7. Challenges and Opportunities:

  • Addressing the issues faced by Bali’s coffee industry.
  • Future prospects and opportunities for growth.

8. Where to Enjoy Bali’s Coffee:

  • A guide to the best coffee shops and cafes in Bali.
  • Recommendations for trying authentic Balinese coffee.


Bali’s coffee plantations offer a unique blend of history, tradition, and sustainable practices that make them stand out in the world of coffee. Whether you’re a coffee enthusiast or simply appreciate the finer things in life, a visit to a Balinese coffee plantation is an experience not to be missed.


Book your Bali activities here: Bali Sunrise Tour

Black Lava

The Geological Origins of Mount Batur

Mount Batur, an active stratovolcano, is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. This volcanic chain stretches around the edges of the Pacific Ocean and is home to numerous volcanoes and geological wonders. Mount Batur’s history dates back thousands of years, with its most recent major eruption occurring in 1963. This eruption reshaped the landscape and left a lasting mark on the island.

The Formation of Black Lava

The volcanic eruptions of Mount Batur have created a remarkable geological phenomenon – black lava fields. These fields are the result of basaltic lava, which is dark and rich in iron and magnesium. When this lava erupts from the volcano, it cools relatively quickly, forming a solid surface with a strikingly black color. Over time, the lava solidifies and covers the surrounding landscape in a dark, otherworldly blanket.

Black Lava Trekking

Today, the black lava fields of Mount Batur serve as a unique and enchanting trekking destination for adventurous travelers. The treks usually begin in the early morning hours, allowing hikers to reach the summit of the volcano in time for a breathtaking sunrise. As you ascend, you’ll traverse through these captivating black lava fields, an experience that feels like walking on another planet.

The dark expanse of the lava fields contrasts beautifully with the vibrant green forests and Lake Batur, which lies adjacent to the volcano. The combination of black, green, and the morning light creates a surreal and enchanting atmosphere.

Reaching the summit of Mount Batur offers a panoramic view of the surrounding landscapes and the distant Mount Agung, another active volcano on Bali. As the sun slowly rises, it bathes the landscape in warm, golden light, turning the black lava into a glistening, mystical terrain.

Cultural Significance

Mount Batur and its black lava fields hold significant cultural importance for the Balinese people. The volcano is considered sacred, and several temples can be found on its slopes. One of the most revered is the Pura Ulun Danu Batur, which is situated on the southwestern slope of the mountain. Locals often visit these temples to make offerings and seek blessings from the deities to protect their villages and fields from volcanic eruptions.


Mount Batur, with its mesmerizing black lava fields, is a testament to the Earth’s raw power and beauty. The contrast between the dark, solidified lava and the lush greenery surrounding it creates a captivating landscape that draws travelers from all around the world. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a hiker, or simply seeking an awe-inspiring experience, a trek to Mount Batur’s black lava fields is a must-do on your Bali itinerary. It’s an opportunity to witness the remarkable geological wonders and the cultural significance of this majestic volcano, leaving you with unforgettable memories of your journey to this unique destination.


Book your Bali activities here: Bali Sunrise Tour

Ubud Swing

Nestled in the heart of Bali’s cultural and artistic capital, Ubud Swing has become an iconic attraction that offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the island’s lush natural beauty from a thrilling perspective. This article will take you on a journey to discover the magic of Ubud Swing.

A Glimpse of Ubud:

Ubud, a charming town in the uplands of Bali, is celebrated for its serene landscapes, vibrant arts scene, and rich cultural heritage. While Ubud offers an array of experiences, the Ubud Swing has become a symbol of adventure and a thrilling way to take in the picturesque surroundings.

The Ubud Swing Experience:

Ubud Swing is more than just a swing; it’s an adventure and an escape from the ordinary. Here’s what you can look forward to:

  1. Spectacular Views: Perched high in the treetops, the swings offer breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding jungles, rice terraces, and distant mountains. It’s a sight to behold and a dream come true for photography enthusiasts.

  2. Swinging Among Giants: The swings themselves are hung from tall palm trees, allowing you to soar high above the ground. It’s a unique experience that combines the thrill of flying with the tranquility of nature.

  3. Adventurous Options: Ubud Swing offers various types of swings, from single swings to tandem swings, where you can swing together with a friend or loved one. There are also heart-pounding activities like the super-sized swing that accommodates several people at once.

  4. Natural Beauty: Surrounded by lush greenery, the setting is an homage to Bali’s natural beauty. You’ll be immersed in the tropical paradise, with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves providing the soundtrack to your adventure.

  5. Cultural Elegance: The swings are beautifully adorned with traditional Balinese decorations, adding a touch of local culture to the experience. You’ll find intricate carvings and vibrant colors that reflect Bali’s artistic heritage.

  6. Photography Opportunities: Ubud Swing is a photographer’s dream. Whether you’re swinging gracefully in the air or posing against the stunning backdrop, you’ll capture Instagram-worthy shots to remember your adventure.

Practical Information:

  • Ubud Swing is open daily, and it’s best to visit in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the midday heat and crowds.
  • Wear comfortable clothing suitable for swinging, and don’t forget sunscreen and a hat for sun protection.
  • Remember to bring your camera or smartphone to capture the magical moments.

Ubud Swing is not just an attraction; it’s an experience that combines thrill, natural beauty, and a touch of Balinese culture. It’s a place where you can relive your childhood fantasies while surrounded by the enchanting beauty of Bali’s countryside. The Ubud Swing is a must-visit for adventure seekers, nature lovers, and anyone looking to add a touch of magic to their Bali adventure. So, come and swing high above the treetops in Ubud – an experience you’ll cherish forever.
